The Long-Arm of the Law As United await the return of their soldier-of-fortune; spare a thought for The Lawman. Well-nigh six decades have passed since his...
In Search of Johan Hyde Park, London appears the natural place to begin. In June 1971, Johan and his merry-men held an impromptu get-together in the...
Seaside Rendezvous It was an ordinary Tuesday. With nothing off-note to report; his third (and final), fixture loomed. Entering the gated enclosure, attention was drawn to...
Sugar Ray Robinson: A Spoonful of Sugar As careers stand; his was truly exceptional. Encompassing an incredible 200 professional bouts – over a twenty-five-year period (1940-1965);...
Toffeemen Warrant A Fab-Four-Team A year-ago to-the-day, supporters of Everton FC were buoyant. Carlo Ancelotti’s highly persuasive ideology was readily consumed – with European football cited...
Celtic FC: An Offer They Must Not Refuse Art so-often imitates life. This tale-of-two-halves began in 1972. During Francis Ford Coppola’s seminal classic ‘The Godfather’, endless...
US Open: Novak Djokovic Primed for Slam-Dunk Sporting records seldom endure… One exception; seems set to acquire joint-ownership-status, come mid-September. New York’s Billie Jean-King Centre, will...
Scott Brown: A Glass Half-Full From pursuer to the pursued, his career has travelled full-circle. The newly-appointed Aberdeen FC player-coach readies himself for the challenge, as...
Michael Johnson – Gone in 20 Seconds Friday 6 July 1990. A sliver of sunlight penetrates the slate-grey Edinburgh skyline. Within the Capital’s iconic Meadowbank Stadium;...
Olympic Gains – Tokyo 1964 and Beyond Throughout an extraordinary sporting year; one flame burns brightest. Primed to host its second Summer Olympics (23 July –...