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Premier League Fixtures

  • Friday 16 August 2024

    Manchester United FC 19:00 Fulham FC Old Trafford
  • Saturday 17 August 2024

    Ipswich Town FC 11:30 Liverpool FC Portman Road Stadium
    Arsenal FC 14:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Emirates Stadium
    Everton FC 14:00 Brighton & Hove Albion FC Goodison Park
    Newcastle United FC 14:00 Southampton FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC 14:00 AFC Bournemouth The City Ground
    West Ham United FC 16:30 Aston Villa FC London Stadium
  • Sunday 18 August 2024

    Brentford FC 13:00 Crystal Palace FC Griffin Park
    Chelsea FC 15:30 Manchester City FC Stamford Bridge
  • Monday 19 August 2024

    Leicester City FC 19:00 Tottenham Hotspur FC King Power Stadium
  • Saturday 24 August 2024

    Brighton & Hove Albion FC 11:30 Manchester United FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Crystal Palace FC 14:00 West Ham United FC Selhurst Park
    Fulham FC 14:00 Leicester City FC Craven Cottage
    Manchester City FC 14:00 Ipswich Town FC Etihad Stadium
    Southampton FC 14:00 Nottingham Forest FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC 14:00 Everton FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Aston Villa FC 16:30 Arsenal FC Villa Park
  • Sunday 25 August 2024

    AFC Bournemouth 13:00 Newcastle United FC Vitality Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC 13:00 Chelsea FC Molineux Stadium
    Liverpool FC 15:30 Brentford FC Anfield
  • Saturday 31 August 2024

    Arsenal FC 11:30 Brighton & Hove Albion FC Emirates Stadium
    Brentford FC 14:00 Southampton FC Griffin Park
    Everton FC 14:00 AFC Bournemouth Goodison Park
    Ipswich Town FC 14:00 Fulham FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC 14:00 Aston Villa FC King Power Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC 14:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers FC The City Ground
    West Ham United FC 16:30 Manchester City FC London Stadium
  • Sunday 1 September 2024

    Chelsea FC 14:00 Crystal Palace FC Stamford Bridge
    Manchester United FC 14:00 Liverpool FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC 14:00 Tottenham Hotspur FC St. James' Park
  • Saturday 14 September 2024

    Southampton FC 11:30 Manchester United FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC 14:00 Ipswich Town FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Crystal Palace FC 14:00 Leicester City FC Selhurst Park
    Fulham FC 14:00 West Ham United FC Craven Cottage
    Liverpool FC 14:00 Nottingham Forest FC Anfield
    Manchester City FC 14:00 Brentford FC Etihad Stadium
    Aston Villa FC 16:30 Everton FC Villa Park
    AFC Bournemouth 19:00 Chelsea FC Vitality Stadium
  • Sunday 15 September 2024

    Tottenham Hotspur FC 13:00 Arsenal FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC 15:30 Newcastle United FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 21 September 2024

    West Ham United FC 11:30 Chelsea FC London Stadium
    Aston Villa FC 14:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Villa Park
    Fulham FC 14:00 Newcastle United FC Craven Cottage
    Leicester City FC 14:00 Everton FC King Power Stadium
    Liverpool FC 14:00 AFC Bournemouth Anfield
    Southampton FC 14:00 Ipswich Town FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC 14:00 Brentford FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Crystal Palace FC 16:30 Manchester United FC Selhurst Park
  • Sunday 22 September 2024

    Brighton & Hove Albion FC 13:00 Nottingham Forest FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Manchester City FC 15:30 Arsenal FC Etihad Stadium
  • Saturday 28 September 2024

    Newcastle United FC 11:30 Manchester City FC St. James' Park
    Arsenal FC 14:00 Leicester City FC Emirates Stadium
    Brentford FC 14:00 West Ham United FC Griffin Park
    Chelsea FC 14:00 Brighton & Hove Albion FC Stamford Bridge
    Everton FC 14:00 Crystal Palace FC Goodison Park
    Nottingham Forest FC 14:00 Fulham FC The City Ground
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC 16:30 Liverpool FC Molineux Stadium
  • Sunday 29 September 2024

    Ipswich Town FC 13:00 Aston Villa FC Portman Road Stadium
    Manchester United FC 15:30 Tottenham Hotspur FC Old Trafford
  • Monday 30 September 2024

    AFC Bournemouth 19:00 Southampton FC Vitality Stadium
  • Saturday 5 October 2024

    Arsenal FC TBD Southampton FC Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Manchester United FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Griffin Park
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Stamford Bridge
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Liverpool FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Newcastle United FC Goodison Park
    Leicester City FC TBD AFC Bournemouth King Power Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD Fulham FC Etihad Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Ipswich Town FC London Stadium
  • Saturday 19 October 2024

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Arsenal FC Vitality Stadium
    Fulham FC TBD Aston Villa FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Everton FC Portman Road Stadium
    Liverpool FC TBD Chelsea FC Anfield
    Manchester United FC TBD Brentford FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Crystal Palace FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD Leicester City FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD West Ham United FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Manchester City FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 26 October 2024

    Arsenal FC TBD Liverpool FC Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Griffin Park
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Newcastle United FC Stamford Bridge
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Fulham FC Goodison Park
    Leicester City FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD Southampton FC Etihad Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Manchester United FC London Stadium
  • Saturday 2 November 2024

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Manchester City FC Vitality Stadium
    Fulham FC TBD Brentford FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Leicester City FC Portman Road Stadium
    Liverpool FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Anfield
    Manchester United FC TBD Chelsea FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC TBD Arsenal FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD West Ham United FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD Everton FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Aston Villa FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 9 November 2024

    Brentford FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Griffin Park
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Manchester City FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Arsenal FC Stamford Bridge
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Fulham FC Selhurst Park
    Liverpool FC TBD Aston Villa FC Anfield
    Manchester United FC TBD Leicester City FC Old Trafford
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Newcastle United FC The City Ground
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Everton FC London Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Southampton FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 23 November 2024

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Villa Park
    Everton FC TBD Brentford FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Manchester United FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Chelsea FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD West Ham United FC St. James' Park
    Southampton FC TBD Liverpool FC St. Mary's Stadium
  • Saturday 30 November 2024

    Brentford FC TBD Leicester City FC Griffin Park
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Southampton FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Aston Villa FC Stamford Bridge
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Newcastle United FC Selhurst Park
    Liverpool FC TBD Manchester City FC Anfield
    Manchester United FC TBD Everton FC Old Trafford
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Ipswich Town FC The City Ground
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Fulham FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Arsenal FC London Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Molineux Stadium
  • Tuesday 3 December 2024

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Manchester United FC Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Brentford FC Villa Park
    Everton FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD West Ham United FC King Power Stadium
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024

    Manchester City FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Liverpool FC St. James' Park
    Southampton FC TBD Chelsea FC St. Mary's Stadium
  • Saturday 7 December 2024

    Aston Villa FC TBD Southampton FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Newcastle United FC Griffin Park
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Manchester City FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Liverpool FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Arsenal FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Old Trafford
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Chelsea FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC London Stadium
  • Saturday 14 December 2024

    AFC Bournemouth TBD West Ham United FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Everton FC Emirates Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Crystal Palace FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Brentford FC Stamford Bridge
    Liverpool FC TBD Fulham FC Anfield
    Manchester City FC TBD Manchester United FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Leicester City FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Aston Villa FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 21 December 2024

    Aston Villa FC TBD Manchester City FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Griffin Park
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Arsenal FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Chelsea FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Southampton FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Newcastle United FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Old Trafford
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Liverpool FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC London Stadium
  • Thursday 26 December 2024

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Crystal Palace FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Emirates Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Brentford FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Fulham FC Stamford Bridge
    Liverpool FC TBD Leicester City FC Anfield
    Manchester City FC TBD Everton FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Aston Villa FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD West Ham United FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Manchester United FC Molineux Stadium
  • Sunday 29 December 2024

    Aston Villa FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Arsenal FC Griffin Park
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Southampton FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Chelsea FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Manchester City FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD Newcastle United FC Old Trafford
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Liverpool FC London Stadium
  • Saturday 4 January 2025

    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Arsenal FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Southampton FC TBD Brentford FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Chelsea FC Selhurst Park
    AFC Bournemouth TBD Everton FC Vitality Stadium
    Fulham FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Craven Cottage
    Aston Villa FC TBD Leicester City FC Villa Park
    Liverpool FC TBD Manchester United FC Anfield
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Newcastle United FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Molineux Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD West Ham United FC Etihad Stadium
  • Tuesday 14 January 2025

    Everton FC TBD Aston Villa FC Goodison Park
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Crystal Palace FC King Power Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Fulham FC London Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Liverpool FC The City Ground
    Brentford FC TBD Manchester City FC Griffin Park
    Arsenal FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Emirates Stadium
  • Wednesday 15 January 2025

    Chelsea FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Stamford Bridge
    Manchester United FC TBD Southampton FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC St. James' Park
  • Saturday 18 January 2025

    Newcastle United FC TBD AFC Bournemouth St. James' Park
    Arsenal FC TBD Aston Villa FC Emirates Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Old Trafford
    West Ham United FC TBD Crystal Palace FC London Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Fulham FC King Power Stadium
    Brentford FC TBD Liverpool FC Griffin Park
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Manchester City FC Portman Road Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Southampton FC The City Ground
    Everton FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Goodison Park
    Chelsea FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Stamford Bridge
  • Saturday 25 January 2025

    Fulham FC TBD Manchester United FC Craven Cottage
    Liverpool FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Anfield
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Arsenal FC Molineux Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Everton FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Southampton FC TBD Newcastle United FC St. Mary's Stadium
    AFC Bournemouth TBD Nottingham Forest FC Vitality Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD West Ham United FC Villa Park
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Brentford FC Selhurst Park
    Manchester City FC TBD Chelsea FC Etihad Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Leicester City FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
  • Saturday 1 February 2025

    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Aston Villa FC Molineux Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC The City Ground
    Manchester United FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC TBD Fulham FC St. James' Park
    Everton FC TBD Leicester City FC Goodison Park
    AFC Bournemouth TBD Liverpool FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Manchester City FC Emirates Stadium
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Southampton FC Portman Road Stadium
    Brentford FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Griffin Park
    Chelsea FC TBD West Ham United FC Stamford Bridge
  • Saturday 15 February 2025

    Southampton FC TBD AFC Bournemouth St. Mary's Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Arsenal FC King Power Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Brentford FC London Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Chelsea FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Everton FC Selhurst Park
    Aston Villa FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Villa Park
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Manchester United FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD Newcastle United FC Etihad Stadium
    Fulham FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Craven Cottage
    Liverpool FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Anfield
  • Saturday 22 February 2025

    Manchester City FC TBD Liverpool FC Etihad Stadium
    Everton FC TBD Manchester United FC Goodison Park
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Portman Road Stadium
    Fulham FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Craven Cottage
    Arsenal FC TBD West Ham United FC Emirates Stadium
    AFC Bournemouth TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Vitality Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Brentford FC King Power Stadium
    Southampton FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Chelsea FC Villa Park
    Newcastle United FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC St. James' Park
  • Tuesday 25 February 2025

    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD AFC Bournemouth The American Express Community Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Arsenal FC The City Ground
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Aston Villa FC Selhurst Park
    Brentford FC TBD Everton FC Griffin Park
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Fulham FC Molineux Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Manchester City FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Leicester City FC London Stadium
  • Wednesday 26 February 2025

    Manchester United FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Old Trafford
    Chelsea FC TBD Southampton FC Stamford Bridge
    Liverpool FC TBD Newcastle United FC Anfield
  • Saturday 8 March 2025

    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD Arsenal FC Old Trafford
    Brentford FC TBD Aston Villa FC Griffin Park
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Everton FC Molineux Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Fulham FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Selhurst Park
    West Ham United FC TBD Newcastle United FC London Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Manchester City FC The City Ground
    Liverpool FC TBD Southampton FC Anfield
    Chelsea FC TBD Leicester City FC Stamford Bridge
  • Saturday 15 March 2025

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Brentford FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Chelsea FC Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Liverpool FC Villa Park
    Everton FC TBD West Ham United FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Manchester United FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Crystal Palace FC St. James' Park
    Southampton FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC St. Mary's Stadium
  • Tuesday 1 April 2025

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Ipswich Town FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Fulham FC Emirates Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Aston Villa FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Manchester United FC The City Ground
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD West Ham United FC Molineux Stadium
  • Wednesday 2 April 2025

    Chelsea FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Stamford Bridge
    Manchester City FC TBD Leicester City FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Brentford FC St. James' Park
    Southampton FC TBD Crystal Palace FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Liverpool FC TBD Everton FC Anfield
  • Saturday 5 April 2025

    Aston Villa FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Chelsea FC Griffin Park
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Arsenal FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Liverpool FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Newcastle United FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD Manchester City FC Old Trafford
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Southampton FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD AFC Bournemouth London Stadium
  • Saturday 12 April 2025

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Fulham FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Brentford FC Emirates Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Leicester City FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Stamford Bridge
    Liverpool FC TBD West Ham United FC Anfield
    Manchester City FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Manchester United FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Everton FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD Aston Villa FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 19 April 2025

    Aston Villa FC TBD Newcastle United FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Griffin Park
    Crystal Palace FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Manchester City FC Goodison Park
    Fulham FC TBD Chelsea FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Arsenal FC Portman Road Stadium
    Leicester City FC TBD Liverpool FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester United FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Old Trafford
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Southampton FC London Stadium
  • Saturday 26 April 2025

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Manchester United FC Vitality Stadium
    Arsenal FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Emirates Stadium
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD West Ham United FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Everton FC Stamford Bridge
    Liverpool FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Anfield
    Manchester City FC TBD Aston Villa FC Etihad Stadium
    Newcastle United FC TBD Ipswich Town FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Brentford FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD Fulham FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Leicester City FC Molineux Stadium
  • Saturday 3 May 2025

    Arsenal FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Fulham FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Manchester United FC Griffin Park
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Newcastle United FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Liverpool FC Stamford Bridge
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Ipswich Town FC Goodison Park
    Leicester City FC TBD Southampton FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Etihad Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC London Stadium
  • Saturday 10 May 2025

    AFC Bournemouth TBD Aston Villa FC Vitality Stadium
    Fulham FC TBD Everton FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC TBD Brentford FC Portman Road Stadium
    Liverpool FC TBD Arsenal FC Anfield
    Manchester United FC TBD West Ham United FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC TBD Chelsea FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC TBD Leicester City FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC TBD Manchester City FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC TBD Crystal Palace FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC TBD Brighton & Hove Albion FC Molineux Stadium
  • Sunday 18 May 2025

    Arsenal FC TBD Newcastle United FC Emirates Stadium
    Aston Villa FC TBD Tottenham Hotspur FC Villa Park
    Brentford FC TBD Fulham FC Griffin Park
    Brighton & Hove Albion FC TBD Liverpool FC The American Express Community Stadium
    Chelsea FC TBD Manchester United FC Stamford Bridge
    Crystal Palace FC TBD Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Selhurst Park
    Everton FC TBD Southampton FC Goodison Park
    Leicester City FC TBD Ipswich Town FC King Power Stadium
    Manchester City FC TBD AFC Bournemouth Etihad Stadium
    West Ham United FC TBD Nottingham Forest FC London Stadium
  • Sunday 25 May 2025

    AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Leicester City FC Vitality Stadium
    Fulham FC 15:00 Manchester City FC Craven Cottage
    Ipswich Town FC 15:00 West Ham United FC Portman Road Stadium
    Liverpool FC 15:00 Crystal Palace FC Anfield
    Manchester United FC 15:00 Aston Villa FC Old Trafford
    Newcastle United FC 15:00 Everton FC St. James' Park
    Nottingham Forest FC 15:00 Chelsea FC The City Ground
    Southampton FC 15:00 Arsenal FC St. Mary's Stadium
    Tottenham Hotspur FC 15:00 Brighton & Hove Albion FC Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
    Wolverhampton Wanderers FC 15:00 Brentford FC Molineux Stadium

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